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بیانیه کانون دانش‌پژوهان نخبه در محکومیت هتاکی نشریه شارلی ابدو و دولت فرانسه به رهبر معظم انقلاب – به زبان انگلیسی

The statement of Elite Scholars Center with more than a hundred medals of prestigious national and international scientific Olympiads, condemning the dishonoring act of Charlie Hebdo and the French government.

In The Name of God, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful

وَ مَکَرُوا وَ مَکَرَ اللَّهُ وَ اللَّهُ خَیْرُ الْماکِرین‏(قرآن مجید، سوره آل عمران، آیه۵۴)

And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers. (Surah Al-Imran Ayat 54)

The vulgar publication of Charlie Hebdo, which is known for dishonoring the values of different religions and even France’s own culture, and recently in a shameless act, targeted holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh), this time has targeted hideously the religious Marji’ of a significant part of the Muslims of the world, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and has raised the public anger of millions of Muslims and free people all over the world.
Grand Ayatollah Khamenei is the religious Marji’ of a significant part of the Muslims all around the world and the leader of the Islamic Revolution, who has fought against the greedy and arrogant governments such as the United States and the fake Israeli regime for more than forty years, and on the other hand, has stood against the deviant and deceived groups among Muslims like ISIS and this honest persistence has made his popularity increased day by day among the freedom seekers and justice seekers of the world. Also, his precise and sublime thoughts as a great religious Marji’ in the field of freedom, women and family, peace and security, environment, religious sanctity of production and storage of weapons of mass destruction and many other issues, have made him more than ever as a cultured thinker, noticed by the elites and intellectuals of the world and the Islamic world. (Those interested can refer to the multilingual website to learn more about his thoughts.)
Since the recognition of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei has always been in conflict with the interests of the hated and murderer Zionists who are ruling the world, they have censored him in the international media to the maximum extent in these forty years. But since the politics of censorship has failed today, the assassination of his personality has started and the attack of Charlie Hebdo magazine is in the same direction.
Indeed, the main accused and culprit of these insolences is the French government, which, under the pretext of freedom of expression, allows a worthless publication to repeatedly insult the sanctities of others and hurt the hearts of a significant part of the world’s people. Of course, this is not the first time that France hides its sinister intentions behind beautiful titles such as freedom of speech and human rights, but the historical experience of the Iranian nation shows that France has used this trick several times to commit crimes and advance its wrong policies. Sheltering the executioners whose hands were stained with the blood of 17 thousand innocent Iranians, equipping Saddam’s air force to bomb the oppressed people of Iran during the war imposed on this country, and the direct role of the French embassy in creating unrest in Iran in 1388 and 1401, are only a small part of the track record of France’s shameful actions against the people and the Islamic revolution of Iran.
There is no doubt that Elite Scholars Center condemn strongly the dishonoring act and silence of the French government, and it will use the capacity of the elites to play a role in public diplomacy to enlighten the public opinion of the world, especially the elites and the educated. Also, this NGO wants from the Muslim and free governments of the world to use all their capacities to end this kind of disrespect and insult to the sanctities of the nations and force the French government to respect the rights of the nations.

🗓 ۹ January 2023

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